of the gaycentric perspective.

I just don't get it...


I caught Fantasia on the Ellen show last week, performing her new single "Baby Mama." The crowd was completely in awe of Fantasia's performance. I downloaded the song to see what all the fuss was about, but just could not find anything all that interesting about it...I guess I'm just not a baby's mama; I don't get it. Perhaps it's her stage presence...ah well. I'll just fulfill my Idol fix with a listen to Kimberley Locke's album; god I love that girl.

The next best thing...


If you haven't seen the BBC's "the Office," the next best thing is check out the new NBC sitcom The Office." Steve Carrell is wickedly funny. The new show debuted to a strong audience; let's hope it can keep the pace.

From E!:
"NBC's U.S. version of comic Ricky Gervais' cult British television show The Office performing well in its debut Thursday for the network with over 11 million viewers tuning in, beating out Fox' premiere of Life on a Stick and leading the Peacock to ratings victory for the night. "

Don't get any ideas.


I get a kick out of you.

Insert shrivel joke here.


Once a cast member of the Real World / Road Rules / Inferno / Islands or whatever, Jake Bronstein has his own blog.

He shares with his readers a tender moment ice diving in Finland. What follows is a healthy romp in the nude with a few buddies. Some guys have all the luck.

And of course Jake's not the only MTV housemate to have an online brag site. Check out Dan Renzi's attempt at restoring fifteen minutes from ten years ago.

Looks are deceiving...


I'm a sucker for a good romantic comedy. Check out the trailer for Red Eye.


A crisp, fall weekend on Black Lake...

Move over Leann...


okay, I admit. I'm a fan of Carrie Underwood. Competing with competitors not quite in her league on American Idol, each Underwood performance is a knockout. Her performance of Heart's "Alone" on Tuesday night secured her place in my heart. Her tone, understated sex appeal and delivery just resonate with me. If it weren't for my wife, Leann Rimes, I'd be all over Carrie.



Long bored by what's been in the mainstream music marketplace, I've been inspired by The Chemical Brothers' latest track "Galvanize." A mash of hip-hop, dance and breakbeats all bundled into one chaotic little grenade. back with another one of those block rockin' beats!

I'm into introductions


Anastacia, long a favorite of mine, finally gets another shot at the US market. The breast cancer survivor's second album releases this summer. The lead single, released in Europe last year, makes its way to iTunes; Left Outside Alone is a stellar introduction to Anastacia. say hello.

D'ya think they're hiring?


Check out a day in the life of a Pixar employee.

I'm completely useless after checking out Things other people accomplished when they were your age. Damn. I'm gonna go watch TV now.

Adapt or Die


The new Everything But the Girl website has launched. Check out this legendary groups' new domain on the web.

If you haven't done so already, bow out of here now and purchase the latest release from this ground-breaking group. Adapt or Die: 10 Years of Remixes contains 14 rerubs, rarities spanning the better part of their existence.

**Update. Check out the iTunes exclusive remix of Rollercoaster.


Hammonasset State Park, outside of Madison, CT.

take a moment


...and smell the air. Spring is in front of us and a rather mundane winter moving behind. Enjoy the buzz and excitement as the seasons change...

Even directors blog.


Bryan Singer, director of the Usual Suspects and the X-Men franchise, launches a blog featuring a little film he's begun working on; Superman Returns. Let the online buzz begin!


...I'm digging up old snapshots of mine from 2004. This shot, taken while spending the weekend with friends Columbus Day weekend, had me, on my back in the grass, enjoying the unseasonably warm sun of Madison, Connecticut.

fun with Flickr


Mario calls it quits


Mario Vasquez, a leading contender on American Idol, calls it quits; rumors circulate!


...one October morning in Connecticut

Kylie. Xtra Large


Kylie's latest video for Giving You Up.

Everyone's gotta blog


Rosie O'Donnell has a blog. She must've copied me.


In your Best Paul Lynde impersonation.

An early comical genius with coy wit and timing, Paul Lynde firmly held down the Squares of Hollywood. Here are some classic Hollywood Squares Q & A's

Q: Paul, why do Hell's Angels wear leather?
A: Paul Lynde: Because chiffon wrinkles too easily.

Q: If you were pregnant for two years, what would you give birth to?
A: Paul Lynde: Whatever it is, it would never be afraid of the dark.

Q: It is the most abused and neglected part of your body - what is it?
A: Paul Lynde: Mine may be abused but it certainly isn't neglected!

Q: Do female frogs croak?
A: Paul Lynde: If you hold their little heads under water long enough.

Q: Imagine you are a child in your mother's womb, can you detect light?
A: Paul Lynde: Only during ballet practice

and, my favorite:
Q: Who stays pregnant for a longer period of time, your wife or your
A: Paul Lynde: Who told you about my elephant?

"Mommy drinks because you cry" and other fun greetings...


Revilo is an award-winning greeting card designer with a wicked sense of humor. This one is a favorite of mine. Oh yeah, and this one too.

summer hype for Fantastic Four


USA Today speaks with Stan Lee, creator of the original comic book strip of the Fantastic Four. I've never been a comic strip follower, so hardly picked up similarities between Lee's creation and Pixar's 2004 hit the Incredibles. Read it here.

fun with [golf] balls...


Who knew golf could be so much fun!



...from Page Six of the NY Post:

JADA Pinkett Smith has ruffled some of the easily ruffled feathers in Harvard's bisexual, gay, lesbian and transgendered community. Pinkett Smith, who was being honored as Artist of the Year by the Harvard Foundation for Intercultural and Race Relations, reportedly spoke about gender roles, but some students felt that the heterosexual wife of superstar Will Smith absurdly limited herself to male-female sexuality. 'Some of the content [of the speech] was extremely heteronormative,' said Jordan Woods, a student who is co- chair of the school's Bisexual, Gay, Lesbian, Transgender and Supporters Alliance. 'Heteronormative' means 'implying that male-female sexual relations are the norm.' "

Barbie and RuPaul have something in common...


...and it's not Ken. If you've just been introduced to me through this website, you'd think I have a doll fetish. First, I went ca-razy for a Leann Rimes doll (love the voice, not the twang.) Now I'm gearing up for the launch of the RuPaul doll! Just don't ask what I do behind closed doors with my plastic RuPaul and Billy dolls...

I just LOVE the nature of a blog. A gossip piece is no longer left on page six with no comments. The online community now has the ability to post their own speculations. Most recently, we witnessed this with the Marcia Cross coming out rumor. Now the following blind item is sparking speculation quicker than you can say Darth Vader likes it kinky:

What saber-wielding summer movie sexpot was spotted smooching a same-sex companion good-bye on the corner of Kings Rd. and Fountain deep in the heart of West Hollywood the day of the Oscars?

Check out Andy towleroad's website for those dying to guess who the item refers to.

gay bash victim fights back


News from towleroad:

Chapel Hill gay bash victim Thomas Stockwell has broken his silence about the attack he experienced last Friday night in which six men taunted and beat the 21-year-old University of North Carolina student, breaking his nose and leaving him unconscious.

'Out of nowhere I just hear 'Fag' and all sorts of derogatory comments made towards me,' Stockwell said. 'At first I didn't realize they were yelling at me. They just punched me in the face. I did fight back. I'm not the only one hurting in town tonight.'
Hundreds came forward Tuesday night for a rally but so far only one witness to the crime has emerged."

City Living...


On the day after Johnson gives his State of the City Address of Rochester, NY, this article highlights the good, and the bad, of living within the city line.

City of Rochester moving on ferry progress


I'm doing my best to stay optimistic and supportive of the City of Rochester's purchase of the Toronto-bound ferry. The city has established a website for the boat, formerly known as the Breeze.

The Bitch does a duet


The Scissor Sisters and Elton John performed "the Bitch is Back" at Johns' post-Oscar bash in LA. Given Elton's track record, isn't it just a matter of time before he lavishes the group with compliments and, two months down the road, trashes them Elton-style?

"ONE Finnish woman probably really hates John Stamos. The actor was asked by Jane magazine, 'What's the worst you ever screwed someone over?' He answered: '[In the mid- '80s] I was in a band. I was playing somewhere in Finland, and there was a girl hanging around who was really drunk and in terested in me. I wasn't into her, but my friend was. So the girl came back to my hotel, and I turned the lights down, and we started making out. I said, 'Hold on a second, I've gotta go brush my teeth.' It was dark, I left the room, and I sent in my friend who looked like me. And she thought she was having sex with me, but she was really having sex with my friend.' "

Page Six dish on Martha


New York Post Online Edition: gossip: "MARTHA Stewart has lost so much weight in jail, she needs a whole new wardrobe. The domestic diva has dropped close to 20 pounds due to workouts, yoga and her inability to eat prison food � so she sent daughter Alexis to get her some clothes to fit her new, svelte figure. Alexis and a Bergdorf Goodman personal shopper were 'ostentatiously' perusing the racks last week for size 12. 'They decided on a $3,980 suede jacket for Martha,' said our spy, 'among other things. I guess it will be Martha's 'coming out' look.' Stewart gets out this weekend. "

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