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The Jeff Timmons Interview

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98 Degrees: the temperature of the human body.
105 Degrees: the temperature of a bloggers' body
after interviewing Jeff Timmons.

Timmons, along with brothers Nick and Drew Lachey and Justin Jeffre, formed 98 Degrees, one the first boybands to make it big in a market dominated by label-manufactured look-alikes. With a string of top ten Billboard hits and four successful albums, the band quickly fell victim to the same marketplace that made them stars.

Each of the guys have gone about their own business after a band hiatus. Jeffre ran for Cincinnati mayor, Drew won Dancing with the Stars season 2, and Nick made a headline or two on the gossip rags.

Jeff Timmons, the resident beefcake of the band, released a solo album in 2004. Whisper that Way called on the same pop formula that brought his band success.

It's 2006 and Timmons is prepping to release his second solo album. A slight departure from his first release, now he just wants to have some fun. Jeff took time out of touring with Jordan Knight to chat with Midnight Lounge about his upcoming album, his gay fans and if those orange jumpsuits will ever see the light of day again. On a side note, I have to say that I couldn't have enjoyed my time with Jeff more. He's unnervingly down to earth, sincere and candid about post-boyband success.

As always, please leave a comment and tell us what'cha thought of my chat with Jeff.

Drew Lachey is a dancing maniac on Dancing with the Stars. Did he learn all his moves from you?

HAHA! Anybody that knows me knows that I have very limited dancing skills. Drew was always the best dancer in the group and I'm glad that he had his time to shine.

How do you handle being bombarded with rumors, gossip and news about your former bandmate?

I don't mind. I'm very happy for Nick and his success. As far as the rumors, I know Nick and how great of a person he is, so it doesn't bother me at all.

MORE Jeff after the jump...

Archived Q&As at the lounge:

8 Responses to “The Jeff Timmons Interview”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Wow Jason, that was a great interview. You really created a conversational feel. Jeff seem like a great guy.

  2. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Great Interview :)


  3. Anonymous Anonymous 

    I did not realize Jeff was still recording. Thank you for the update!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    great interview!

  5. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Jeff is so dreamy

  6. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Well done!
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  7. Anonymous Anonymous 
  8. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Thank you!
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