of the gaycentric perspective.

busted. again.

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Found slumped over the wheel of a car in one of London's busiest intersections, George Michael has been arrested (again.) This time for possesion of drugs.

Hauled off to the police station for posessing painkillers and cannabis, George Michael spent over seven hours in police custody.
Surely you remember that incident in 1998 that forced him of the closet...Michael has faced yet another encounter with the men (I assume they were men; I am *that* presumptuous) in uniform.

Let's focus on the George we love. Sure, we can reminisce about the Wham! and early Faith days, but I think the George I'm fond of most was the one we had seen recently. 2004's Patience was a work in subtley and supreme pop pleasure. If you haven't checked it out, you're missing out on the best George Michael release since Listen Without Prejudice, Vol 1.

On a completely un-related but utterly overt homoerotic tip, check out Brett "Ace" Young, resident American Idol hottie, perform Michael's "Father Figure." Adorable. [Thanks Popmuse]

5 Responses to “busted. again.”

  1. Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. 

    This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Blogger Robert Mitchell L.L. 

    thanks for the visit to my blog and your kind words...hello from Toronto indeed...I think I am moving to Albany though given all the cuties featured on your blog...dang!

  3. Blogger Unknown 

    Poor georgie!

  4. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Is that really a pic of George Michael? Looks like a drag king!

  5. Blogger mattviews 

    I'm sorry for George. But I've always liked him...since when I was a teenager, and I swear I knew he was gay since then!

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