of the gaycentric perspective.

The Jason Walker Interview

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Admit it. There was a point on the dancefloor you turned to your chum midway
through hearing
"My Life" and said, "is that a guy?"

Don't worry, he gets it all the time. Sort of the problem when you got the pipes of a full-figured female soul singer.

Jason Walker, the man behind the voice, teamed up with Junior Vasquez in 2004 to release that dance stomper, which quickly burned up the Billboard top five charts. Two more #1 dance singles later, Walker has achieved what most male vocalists don't; getting, and keeping, the attention of fans on the floor. It doesn't hurt he's got piercing green eyes and a high energy stage persona to match the vocals.

Jason recently sat down and chatted with midnight lounge and dished about his recently-released full length This is My Life, what it was like working with Junior and that stud from Showtime's Soul Food:

In the dance community, it's always said that, when Junior is good, he's phenomenal. With this in mind, how does it feel to be a part of something so strong right out of the gate.

Well...to be perfectly honest, and I tell everyone this, to have been able to work with Junior has been a total dream come true---he's the master---everyone knows this!

More after the jump...

Support the lounge: Buy This is My Life now. And, as always, leave a comment!

1 Responses to “The Jason Walker Interview”

  1. Anonymous Anonymous 

    Jason Walker ROCKS!
    We love him here is Nashville, TN.

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