of the gaycentric perspective.
The Will Wikle Interview
Published Thursday, April 13, 2006 by midnight lounge | E-mail this post
Will Wikle is a power gay. He's got plenty of reality shows under his belt, a weekly radio program and dates LOGO's Jason Bellini. Yep, he's money.
He took a little time out from hosting his own weekly series on Twist to chat with Midnight Lounge about his experiences on Battle of the Network Reality Stars and Big Brother 5 and who was packin' heat in the speedos during it all. Special thanks to Dennis ( a closet Big Brother fan) for his help with the interview.
How many times a day does someone say to you "how do I know you?"
at least once a week...usually i just tell them i met them at a bar mitzvah.
About me
- midnight lounge
- Rochester, New York, United States
- My profile
can i just say......will wikle rocks. all about the luv and so sweet. But do not self yourself short will...while I agree Bunky did rock in his own way....and the other two may have brought their own spin....you are so much sweeter....if only we could get the radio show in more markets!!!
Bleck... Sorry, but Wikle's appearence of even being a blip on the radar shows how a person can completely weasel their way into the public eye via reality tv (even Attention-whores with no personality). Having known him personally, I am very happy that - seeing as he doesn't have much to offer - he won't be anything more than a momentary blip.