of the gaycentric perspective.

Griffin on CNN tonight. Again.

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Kathy Griffin has been given another go, tonight on CNN.

Her pre-empted appearance on Larry King is scheduled to air 9:00pm, July 10th. The funny lady opens up to Larry about her divorce and allegedly goes into detail about her (former?) husband stealing $72k from her bank accounts.

It's too bad this episode is already in the can. It would have been interesting to get her take on her recent EMMY nomination and her gay tour on the R-Family cruise out of Seattle.

CNN: Kathy Griffin's ex-husband took $72k


Life on the EMMY List
Taking the Long Way
Griffin Sleeping Party
Look for Andy Dick, passed out in the closet

You've been served. Papers
Kathy Griffin in LA
Kathy Griffin. One Night Only. Syracuse
They Did. Now they don't anymore
Griffin in Dirty Love
My New Best Girlfriend
"I was raised right. I talk about people behind their backs."

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