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vh1 reality stars collide!

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I'll admit. I didn't really get into the Jerri Hall helmed reality show Kept on vh1, but I *did* notice a few of the men...Slavko and Ricardo have launched a tell-all, post show blog. There's a bit of name dropping and blatant elbow rubbing thrown about, but it's a gratuitous pleasure.

Two elbows I'm sure the TrophyBoys blogger Slavko didn't mind rubbing were Sean and Adams...

If you're looking for a little bit of a post-reality show bitch slap, check out the winner of Kept, Seth, here.

Bent was so kind to slap Sean recently. Damn. Sean's doin' his best to do whatever it takes for a little publicity. A few years ago, ABC ran a hideously horrible show called Are You Hot. You know, the one where that tired motorcycle riding, nighttime soap star pointed a laser pen at each contestants' body part lacking perfection. Our boy Sean was on that show...

These days, you can see Saun on the 2006 Reality TV Stars calendar and struttin' his stuff in Vegas with the American Storm male revue. Hmmmm.

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